Balancing Speed, Functionality, and Reliability in Software Development

January 15, 2023


Software development is a complex process that requires careful planning, execution, and optimization to create software that meets users' needs while delivering the desired performance and reliability. Balancing the three core objectives of making it work, making it fast, and making it suitable is critical to the success of any software development project. In this article, we will explore these objectives in more detail, provide examples of how they can be achieved in practice, and offer strategies for finding the right balance between them. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, understanding these core objectives and how to balance them is essential to creating software.

Making it Work

Making it work means ensuring that the software functions as intended and meets the necessary requirements. This objective is critical to the success of any software development project, as software that works differently than expected is of little value to users. Making it work involves careful planning, testing, and debugging to identify and address any issues that arise.

Examples of making it work in practice include:

  • Conducting thorough testing at every stage of development
  • Ensuring that the software meets all functional requirements
  • Addressing bugs and issues as they arise
  • Incorporating user feedback to improve functionality and usability
  • Conducting regular maintenance and updates to ensure ongoing functionality

Making it Fast

Making it fast involves optimizing the software for speed and efficiency. This objective is important because users expect software to perform quickly and efficiently, and slow software can lead to frustration and reduced productivity. Making it fast involves identifying and addressing any bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the software, as well as optimizing code and algorithms for speed.

Examples of making it fast in practice include:

  • Optimizing code and algorithms for speed
  • Minimizing resource usage to improve performance
  • Implementing caching to reduce load times
  • Conducting load testing to identify and address performance issues
  • Utilizing hardware acceleration or parallel processing to improve performance

Making it Right

Making it suitable involves ensuring that the software is reliable, maintainable, and adheres to best practices. This objective is important because software that is difficult to maintain or doesn't follow best practices can lead to increased development costs, reduced productivity, and decreased user satisfaction. Making it right involves adhering to coding standards and best practices, designing for maintainability, and ensuring that the software is thoroughly tested and documented.

Examples of making it suitable in practice include:

  • Adhering to coding standards and best practices
  • Designing for maintainability, including modular design and documentation
  • Conducting thorough testing and debugging to identify and address issues
  • Utilizing version control to manage changes and maintain code quality
  • Conducting regular code reviews to identify and address potential issues

Balancing the Objectives

Balancing the three objectives of making it work, fast, and right can be challenging, as prioritizing one goal often means sacrificing another. For example, focusing too heavily on making the software quickly may compromise functionality or reliability. Similarly, prioritizing reliability may result in slower performance or increased development time. Finding the right balance is critical to creating software that meets users' needs while also delivering the desired performance and reliability.

Strategies for finding the right balance between the three objectives include:

  • Prioritizing objectives based on project requirements and user needs
  • Conducting regular reviews to identify potential trade-offs and adjust priorities as needed
  • Utilizing agile development methodologies to prioritize and adjust objectives throughout the development process
  • Focusing on optimizing the software as a whole rather than prioritizing one objective over another
  • Incorporating user feedback to ensure that the software meets their needs and expectations.


The three core objectives of software development - making it work, fast, and right - are critical to creating software that meets users' needs while also delivering the desired performance and reliability. Balancing these objectives can be challenging, but finding the right balance is essential to the success of any software development project.

Successful software development requires a focus on all three objectives, as well as a willingness to adjust priorities and make trade-offs where necessary. By prioritizing each goal appropriately and making strategic trade-offs where needed, developers can create software that meets users' needs while also delivering the desired performance and reliability. Ultimately, the key to successful software development lies in finding the right balance between making it work, fast, and right.

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